I recently discovered this terribly interesting internet based book swap program where you can trade your pre-loved books with the other members of this online book community.
All you have to do is visit www.BooksfreeSwap.com and register for free, and then come up with a list of all the books you want to get rid of and post it in your profile, other members who are interested in your list would inform you that they want the book, all you have to do is accept the swap request, pack the books and send it to the recipient, you don’t have to worry about the shipment fee since it will be shouldered by the requesting member.
The same process applies if you browse other members list of books and want to have them too. Oh, by the way, audio books are also available.
This program does not only allow you to get rid of all those tree carcasses in your shelves, you get to read great books for free too. And on top of everything it’s a great way to save Mama Earth and a great antidote to boredom.
So register now, it’s free!
kkahit ano nasaswap dito ate, kahit asawa lol..
ReplyDeletewow! I hope I can swap some of my old books too...
ReplyDeleteI'll try visiting the site...
Psychotic Thoughts
I am gonna check on that later vernz. BTW, I tagged you, visit mah site ha? hehe.